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Waiting Room

Waiting Room

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to support@lumahealth.io. 

Waiting Room makes it easy for your practice to reduce the traffic inside your physical waiting room, track the status of patients with upcoming appointments, and manage patients as they arrive. 

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can sync in status of patient to your EHR 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature Description
Dashboard Review a filterable dashboard to keep track of patients as they move through the Waiting Room.
Send patients instructions for their arrival to your organization Thirty minutes before an appointment, Luma sends patients a custom action message with instructions for letting your organization know when the patient has arrived. Patients who receive SMS reminders are prompted to reply when they have arrived for their appointment. Patients who receive an email see a message with a link to click that marks them as Arrived.
Automatically move patients to the Arrived section of the Waiting Room After a patient confirms they have arrived, Luma automatically moves the patient to the Arrived section of Waiting Room. 
Send messages to patients Staff can jump from the Waiting Room to the Patient Profile to communicate with patients.
Manually mark patients as Checked In Staff can manually mark a patient as Checked In when all pre-appointment tasks are complete. 
View the Waiting Room by facility View patients in the waiting room based on the facility associated with their appointment.
Manually add patients to the Waiting Room Staff can manually add a patient and their appointment to the Waiting Room.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.