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Smart Waitlist

Smart Waitlist

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to support@lumahealth.io. 

Waitlists help give patients the opportunity to get an earlier appointment when a slot becomes available due to cancellations. When an appointment slot becomes available, Luma sends offers to patients based on criteria that you configure. With a variety of ways to customize how Waitlist works for your organization, you’ll be able to “set it and forget it” and let Luma do the work of helping to get patients the care they need, sooner.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Waitlist Management

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then you can configure your account so that patients can add themself to the waitlist via SMS. 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Waitlist dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about waitlists for each provider in your account.
View a history of all waitlist offers in your account View a list of all offers that have been sent to patients on the waitlist, as well as the status of those offers.
View a history of all waitlist offers for a particular patient View a list of all waitlist offers a particular patient has received, as well as the status of those offers.
Manually send waitlist offers to patients Manually push out waitlist offers when needed.
Automatically send offers to patients on the waitlist Luma automatically attempts to fill an open slot on your schedule when a patient cancels an appointment. By default, Luma sends offers simultaneously to all patients on the waitlist. Optionally, you can configure Luma to send offers to one patient at a time, giving each patient an opportunity to accept or decline the offer before the next patient is notified.
Send waitlist offers using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send waitlist offers to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Track active waitlist offers Track an open slot that is actively being offered to patients, including which appointment is being offered and how much time is left for patients to respond to the waitlist offer. 
Double-book in patient-canceled appointments If an appointment slot is double-booked and one of the patients cancels, Luma automatically uses the waitlist to attempt to refill the slot and double-book the appointment again. Optionally, you can disable this functionality.
Determine how many minutes pass before a waitlist offer expires  When a patient receives a waitlist offer, they have 30 minutes to respond to it. Optionally, you can configure Luma to give a patient more or less time to accept the offer.

Add Patients to the Waitlist

Feature  Description
Add a single patient to the waitlist Manually add individual patients to the waitlist. 
Add patients to the waitlist in bulk  From the Patient List, manually add patients to the waitlist in bulk. Or, upload a file via SFTP to add multiple patients to the waitlist at once. 
Modify an existing waitlist entry Modify the parameters of an existing waitlist entry from within the Waitlists dashboard.
Automatically give patients the option to join the waitlist Luma automatically gives patients the option to join the waitlist when they cancel their appointments through a reminder message, or if an appointment was canceled through your EHR. 

Optionally, you can choose to have Luma automatically invite patients to the waitlist only when a patient cancels via reminder, only when the cancellation comes from the EHR, or never.

Remove Patients from the Waitlist

Patients are automatically removed from the waitlist when they accept a waitlist offer. If a patient has added themselves to the waitlist, for example because they canceled a scheduled appointment, they are automatically removed after 30 days by default. This can be modified as described in the Determine How Long a Patient Remains on the Waitlist article. Patients also have the option to leave the waitlist at any time by responding to a waitlist message with the phrase LEAVEWAITLIST. Staff can also remove patients from the waitlist manually as needed.

Feature Description
Remove a single patient from the waitlist Manually remove a patient from the waitlist.
Remove patients from the waitlist in bulk Manually remove multiple patients from the waitlist.
Patients can remove themselves from the waitlist via SMS Patients can remove themselves from the waitlist by replying to an SMS waitlist offer using certain keywords.
Automatically remove patients from the waitlist after 30 unaccepted offers If a patient hasn’t accepted a waitlist offer after receiving 30 individual offers, Luma removes them from from the waitlist and their waitlist entry is marked as incomplete.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Waitlist Offer Timing

Feature  Description
Configure how much time must pass after accepting an offer before a patient can receive another waitlist offer When a patient accepts a waitlist appointment offer, they cannot receive another offer for 7 days. Optionally, you can configure Luma to adjust or remove this waiting time. 
Configure what time Luma sends waitlist offers to patients When an appointment becomes available at your facility, Luma automatically sends offers to patients on the waitlist to fill the cancellation. Optionally, you can configure waitlist offers to delay sending until after business hours. Configure Luma to begin sending offers at a set time every day or choose different times for weekdays and weekends. Note that this functionality still respects any configured quiet hours.
Don’t limit how close together availabilities can be when sending waitlist offers If a patient receives a waitlist offer for an appointment, Luma doesn’t send offers to the same patient for any other appointment that occurs within 92 minutes of the start time of the appointment that was originally offered. Optionally, you can configure Luma  so that Luma can send a patient multiple offers regardless of how close together the available appointments are. 
Configure how far ahead of a scheduled appointment a cancellation can occur for Luma Health to fill the slot using the waitlist Luma tries to fill an appointment that’s canceled at least 120 minutes before the appointment time. Optionally, you can set the minimum number of minutes and maximum days ahead of an appointment that a patient must cancel to trigger the waitlist.
Don’t send waitlist offers on the weekend Luma can send waitlist offers on weekends. Optionally, you can configure Luma to not send waitlist offers on weekends.

Appointment Matching

Feature  Description
Determine whether a waitlist offer must match the details of a currently scheduled appointment Luma sends a patient an offer only if the provider and facility of the open slot match the provider and facility of the patient’s current appointment. Optionally, you can configure the waitlist to match patients with open slots even if the appointment is with a different provider or at a different facility.
Configure whether waitlist offers must match previously scheduled appointments  When a patient cancels an appointment and is added to the waitlist, they must wait for an equivalent appointment to become available. That appointment must match criteria such as appointment type and facility type. Optionally, you can configure to what degree an appointment’s criteria must match for a patient to receive a waitlist offer to book the appointment.
Require the waitlist to send offers based on matching appointment types Luma doesn’t require that patients be waiting on an appointment of a particular type to receive an offer for a given open slot on the schedule. Optionally, if your organization prefers to only fill canceled slots with appointments of the same type, you can configure Luma to do so.

Additional Waitlist Configurations

Feature  Description
Determine which patients on the waitlist receive offers first Luma sends the first offers to patients who have been on the waitlist the longest. Optionally, you can configure Luma to send offers to the patients who were most recently added. 
Don’t require office staff to approve accepted waitlist offers  Luma requires your office staff to approve waitlist offers accepted by patients. Optionally, you can disable this requirement.
Set a default appointment duration for new waitlist entries You can configure a default appointment duration for all new waitlist entries.
Require patients to have a future appointment before adding them to the waitlist You can configure Luma to add patients to the waitlist only if they already have a future appointment scheduled.
Automatically cancel a future appointment when a patient accepts a waitlist offer  Luma automatically cancels a future scheduled appointment when a patient accepts a waitlist offer for an earlier appointment. Optionally, you can disable this functionality.
Send patients an offer to join the waitlist based on their scheduled appointments  Configure Luma to automatically send patients an offer to join the waitlist based on their scheduled appointment. 
Give Luma another opportunity to fill open spots after completing all waitlist attempts You can configure Luma so that, if Luma contacts all eligible patients on the waitlist but still doesn’t locate a patient who can accept an open slot on your schedule, Luma can try to fill the empty space once more before the appointment time passes.
Don’t send patients a message when they’re added to the waitlist  When Luma adds a patient to the waitlist, Luma also sends the patient a message confirming they’ve been added to the waitlist. Optionally, you can turn off this confirmation message.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.