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Digital Forms

Digital Forms

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to support@lumahealth.io. 

Digital Forms enables patients to complete and submit their paperwork electronically, either prior to their appointment or within the clinic. This digital approach reduces reliance on physical documents, increases data accuracy, and accelerates the check-in process, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and patient experience.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Create and Manage Forms

Feature  Description
Dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about forms in your account.
Create a form Use Luma’s Form Builder to create forms for your patients to fill out prior to their scheduled appointments. Use one of Luma’s pre-made templates to get started, or create a new form from scratch. Choose from over 25 available question types. Luma supports forms for pre-scheduling, intake, feedback, and consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA). 
Create a bilingual form Luma supports forms in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Patients can view the form in these languages, provided that your organization has built out translated versions of the form. If the patient switches to a language that the form hasn’t yet been built in, the form remains in English.
Send a form to a patient Use a squiggly to send forms to patients via messages in the Hub or messages generated from custom actions.
Use squigglies to personalize form questions Use squiggly placeholders in form text to automatically pull in personalized information, such as patient name, when a patient opens a form. 
Use a form to capture patients’ insurance information Prompt patients to upload images of the front and back of their insurance card. Luma extrapolates the information on the card and presents it to patients to review and verify before submitting it to your organization.
Manage forms’ internal status Staff can change a form’s internal status to track whether the form has already been reviewed.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s referral experience.

Review Forms

In File Management, you can review and manage patient-submitted forms and insurance uploads in a single place. File Management is split into sections based on each file type.

Feature  Description
View and print completed forms  View and print completed forms from within the Patient Profile or File Management.
View insurance information n the Patient Profile View or add patient insurance information from their Luma profile.
Download forms Download an individual form or download multiple forms in bulk.

Appointment Checklist

The Appointment Checklist functionality streamlines the management of various forms required for patient intake, educational purposes, and consent. This feature enables the creation of detailed checklists, such as a New Patient Checklist, which can include multiple forms like demographics, insurance review, clinical intake, consent forms, and payment. Checklists can be configured to be dispatched according to appointment schedules, specific providers, appointment types and/or facilities, ensuring that patients receive the necessary forms in a timely and organized manner.

Please note that certain products, such as LumaPay, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Create an Appointment Checklist Link multiple digital forms within one checklist to create a streamlined experience for the patient. Appointment Checklists are set at the appointment type level. 
Review the Status of an Appointment Checklist From the Luma Dashboard, review the status of the patient’s appointment checklist
Hide Appointment Start Times Configure a facility’s appointment checklist confirmation page to show only an appointment’s scheduled date, without a time.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Manage Form Details

Feature  Description
Ask for insurance information prior to starting a form Give patients the option to submit their insurance information before completing the rest of the form.
Remind patients to finish incomplete forms Send patients a reminder if they haven’t completed the form 24 hours after having received the original message. 
Skip the welcome page on forms Configure forms to skip the welcome page and instead begin on the first question.
Hide patient names from the top of forms Configure Luma to hide the patient’s name from the top of forms. 
Disable staff chat at the end of completed forms When a patient completes a form in Luma Health, they see the option to begin a chat conversation with your staff. Optionally, you can disable this feature.
Make a form inactive Mark forms as inactive so they remain in your system but aren’t visible to patients or staff. 
Choose which language a completed form appears in When a patient completes a form in a language other than English, you can choose to have the completed form appear with both languages when users review it in Luma.
Hide a form’s progress bar Hide the progress bar that shows a patient’s progress as they complete a form. 

Configure Forms Questions

Feature  Description
Make all questions required Require a patient to fill out all questions in the form to advance or submit the form.
Show patient friendly names for procedures and vaccines in forms For CCDA forms, configure surgical and vaccination record questions to appear with patient-friendly input options.
Apply a scoring system to a form Apply a scoring system to a form as a means of assessing a patient prior to determining next steps in their care. 
Allow patients to choose none of the provided options or “other” when completing a form.  Add ‘None of the Above’ and ‘Other’ options to a multiple choice question.
Show and hide questions on a completed form Choose whether a particular question always appears on a completed form. 
Hide questions a patient didn’t see or didn’t answer in a form  Hide skipped and unanswered questions from a PDF version of a form.

Apply Your Branding to Forms

Feature  Description
Configure forms to show your organization’s branding Customize the colors and icons of all Luma links and forms, including the mobile insurance card capture form, to reflect your organization’s branding. 
Update Luma URLs to match your organization’s branding  Links created by Luma use default naming conventions that show Luma Health as the link’s origin. You can configure your account to personalize these links so they use your organization’s name instead. 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.