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KLAS Research Identifies Luma Health as a Leading Patient Engagement Solution Vendor

January 8, 2021 San Francisco, CA

In a New Report, Luma Health Named a Vendor Approaching End-to-End Platform Status

Luma Health, the leader in Total Patient Engagement™ and digital health solutions, today announced independent analyst firm KLAS Research found Luma Health’s patient engagement solution to have the most breadth and depth of capabilities among vendors in its category. In a newly published report, KLAS identified Luma Health as a vendor approaching platform status, a top-performer in the non-EMR category, and recognized Luma Health for exhibiting growth toward becoming an end-to-end platform and delivering platform-level value beyond its promised capabilities to customers.

The KLAS report, Patient Engagement Platforms 2020, rated 33 patient engagement vendors using insights captured from customers who use the platforms. KLAS analysts found, “Customers report Luma Health is a strong partner and say the solution meets or exceeds their expectations of a one-stop shop.”

As an example of Luma Health’s performance, the report offers an interview from a Luma Health customer who shared, “Luma Health’s solution is able to do so many things; it is the Swiss Army knife of communication and everything that we do.”

KLAS defines a complete patient engagement platform as one that gives users the ability to follow patients before, during, and after healthcare visits. Among 12 patient engagement capabilities KLAS highlighted as necessary to constitute a complete platform, Luma Health was named a standout vendor for use of platform capabilities in six: pre-visit communication, post-visit communication, meaningful and timely education, provider messaging, real-time patient experience improvement, and self-scheduling/rescheduling.

Analysts found Luma Health has the highest number of average capabilities per deep adopter and more user-validated capabilities than any other vendor in the “approaching platform status” category. In addition to being a top performing vendor in breadth and depth, Luma Health was rated highly for user-adoption of its promised capabilities. KLAS analysts evaluated vendors to determine whether each one’s pledged capabilities are in use by customers. Out of all vendors reviewed by KLAS, Luma Health’s user-validated capabilities most exceeded its self-reported capabilities.

“The fact that KLAS’s research confirms wide adoption of Luma Health’s patient engagement offerings validates our platform — and the value it delivers — is meeting and exceeding the needs of the healthcare providers we support,” said Aditya Bansod, Co-Founder and CTO, Luma Health. “Because KLAS’s findings are based on actual customer and partner experiences, we know we’re successfully helping our health system partners achieve their goal to go above and beyond in providing patient engagement.”

The KLAS report noted that when asked about the biggest strength of Luma Health’s patient engagement suite, customers cited features such as Luma Health’s EMR integration, online patient self-scheduling, the waitlist capabilities, broadcast messaging, and referral management. According to customers and partners, these tools are some of Luma Health’s most valuable offerings.

KLAS also asked advanced users of Luma Health’s patient engagement solution to share the most significant outcomes that have come from using Luma Health. Responses mentioned:

  • Revenue protection and growth via reduced no-shows
  • Filled cancellation slots
  • Increased referral conversions
  • Maximized provider schedule capacity and utilization
  • Increased patient engagement
  • Patient interactions with smart clinical conversations
  • Increased net promoter score
  • Actionable customer insights
  • Increased online reputation

KLAS analysts also concluded from user feedback that Luma Health provides “good support and resolves problems and questions quickly.” The report states that analysts found, “Luma Health’s clients feel the vendor is willing to work with customers to solve problems.”

Bansod acknowledged that Luma Health’s strong customer relationships and commitment to working side-by-side with customers to solve problems has been critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. “During the past year, we’ve seen our customers – hospitals and health systems, healthcare clinics, and FQHCs — and their patients struggle with some of the biggest challenges of modern healthcare to date.”

“Luma Health has worked closely with customers to respond to the urgent needs of patients and healthcare organizations,” he explained. “We’ve rapidly developed expanded patient engagement and digital health solutions such as Telehealth and Zero Contact Check-in and Zero Contact Waiting Room that are helping to safeguard patients and staff, ensure care accessibility, and minimize revenue disruptions.”

Most recently, Luma Health has delivered a Vaccine Operations Solution to enable its customers to operationalize COVID-19 vaccine deployment efforts while staying committed to making it as safe and easy as possible for patients to get the care they need.

According to a Luma Health customer quoted in KLAS’s report, “Having a one-stop shop is extremely important. The more platforms we have, the more platforms we have to manage, and the more we run into problems.”

KLAS adds that both patients and provider organizations believe the ideal future requires a one-stop shop for patient engagement activities. The introduction of Luma Health’s new digital health capabilities, which have expanded the breadth and depth of Luma Health’s offerings, makes Luma Health an attractive option for providers and organizations searching for a complete patient engagement platform.

TIM COX | on behalf of Luma Health |

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