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— 67% of patients complete forms required for federal reimbursement ahead of visits
— $50K saved annually from appointments rescheduled via Luma
— $58K gained from filled waitlist slots within one year

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We surveyed 130 Oracle organizations about their patient access processes. The results show that accessing care hasn’t changed much since 1994.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert..

Maury Regional Health reduced no-shows by 66% while doubling appointment volume. 

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

Imagine your EHR workflows automatically driving improved reach, access to care, and health outcomes for all your patients and not-yet-patients.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

Cook County Health manages communication across 300+ locations and 1,500+ providers using Luma.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

-In two months with Luma, OrthoNebraska patients scheduled more than 900 appointments online.

-92% of overnight stay patients recommend OrthoNebraska via automated requests for feedback – a 20% difference from the national average.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.